Search information for any domain name

Frequently Asked Questions
How can I use the domain whois tool? How can I use the domain whois tool?
With the whois tool you can see the information that is published about any registered domain name of any extension. This information is usually the registration date, expiration date, registrar details and name servers of the domain name. Owner's personal information for data protection reasons not published. In some extensions if the owner information is for a company, the name may also be shown.
Why in some other whois tools do I see more information about a domain name such as owner information? Why in some other whois tools do I see more information about a domain name such as owner information?
There are some whois tools that have kept history from the time the owner information was published. According to privacy laws, the process of publishing personal information is illegal.
What is the whois tool? What is the whois tool?
The WHOIS tool is a search protocol used to retrieve information about a domain name, such as registration and expiration dates.
Can I use the whois tool to see if a domain name is available? Can I use the whois tool to see if a domain name is available?
If a domain name is not available, then the WHOIS tool will return the relevant information.
I am interested in a domain name that is not available. What do I do? I am interested in a domain name that is not available. What do I do?
If the specific domain name is registered through our company, then you can send us an email of interest at with your details. We will simply forward your email to the owner and the owner will reply to you directly if he would like to grant you his domain name.